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October 11, 2007
Countdown Timer
In a comment on yesterday's post about my dead burrito problem, Mark over at relentlesslyoptimistic.com referred me this virtual countdown timer.
It's extremely subtle and elegant: the instant the page appears on your computer screen, the timer at the very top, in the bar that usually contains a short description of what a site is about, starts a second-by-second countdown from 60 minutes.
From the countdown timer website:
- countdown and hangin' around
a browser-based egg timer. counts down however many minutes YOU choose. diplays the running time in the browser title bar (or tab). does what it says it'll do. enjoy.
Very few things — or people — do what they say they'll do.
But wait, there's more!
Turns out that when the timer reaches 0, a box appears dead center on your screen to let you know.
Quite cool.
At the bottom of the timer page it says, "dumb simple javascript countdown timer by m larsen 2007."
Yo m larsen: Anything simple enough to be TechnoDolt©™®-understandable is — by definition — smart as heck.
m larsen reports that so far 4 people have donated via PayPal in response to her/his request for a little something to offset hosting expenses.
I shudder to think of what would result from a similar request from yours truly for a kopeck or three.
What is the sound of one hand laughing?
Note added at 8:44 p.m. the same day:
cashman just commented, "Here's where it originated: ask.metafilter.com
October 11, 2007 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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I love the internet!
Posted by: Mark | Oct 12, 2007 11:19:57 AM
Here's where it originated [Ask.Metafilter.Com].
Posted by: cashman | Oct 11, 2007 8:39:00 PM
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