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October 11, 2007
'Look-Alikes Around the World: An Album of Amazing Postcards' — 'The more you look, the more you see'
This is Joan Steiner's fourth book of double-take inducing drawings, in which she embeds familiar items in recognizable scenes spanning time and geography.
"Take an eye-opening trip around the world! Using everyday objects in ingenious ways, artist Joan Steiner has created 3-D scenes of more than 40 famous landmarks and familiar holiday locales — the chateaux of France, the Egyptian pyramids, the shores of Cape Cod, the majestic Taj Mahal. Complete with photographs of the actual sites, fascinating facts and more than 500 look-alikes to search for, this unique postcard album will challenge and captivate puzzlers of all ages."
"Where's Waldo?" crossed with "I Spy."
$10.87 at Amazon.
October 11, 2007 at 09:01 AM | Permalink
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