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October 13, 2007
'Russ Walter is a piece of work' — Episode 2: He's back (but then, I'm sure he'll point out that he never left)
No matter, I just received his announcement that the new 30th Edition of "The Secret Guide to Computers" and the new second edition of "Tricky Living" have just been published.
Long story short: Russ Walter is the antithesis of the typical author.
I featured him and his work back on March 5, 2005, but unlike me, he's actually done something of value since then, namely producing new editions of his legendary works.
Proof, quoting the just-received heads-up from his world headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire, follows.
- Free phone help
Whenever you have a question about computers — or life — get free help by phoning me at my New Hampshire home (603-666-6644).
Phone day or night, 24 hours: I'm usually in and sleep just lightly.
I'll help you get computer discounts, use software, fix software, fix your computer, write programs, develop your career, manage personal relationships, do homework, edit your writing, and master hundreds of other topics covered in the books.
I have just three restrictions:
1) I can't read the books on the phone (but I can tell you which pages to read)
2) I can't help you do bad things (such as use pirated software)
3) I'm limited to an average of 7 minutes per call (but you can call often)
But wait, there's more:
- Drop in
Drop in anytime, 24 hours.
We're in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Come use our free library, which contains the world's best books & magazines about computer secrets & tricky living.
Phone us first at 603-666-6644, and use these directions:
• Take Interstate 93 to New Hampshire's Exit 8
• At the exit ramp's end, turn left (onto Wellington Road)
• Exactly 1 mile ahead, turn right (at the Governor's Hill sign) onto Tiffany Lane
• We're the second building on the right, #196
Now do you believe me?
"The Secret Guide to Computers" costs $20 and "Tricky Living" is $10, both here.
October 13, 2007 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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