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November 3, 2007
Pocket Screwdriver
I so love this.
From the website:
- Pocket Screwdriver
This innocent-looking 1"-diameter flat steel bagel is really a very versatile pocket screwdriver.
What makes it so effective is the range of edge thickness (from 0.030" to 0.090") created by a ramp formed on one side.
It replaces dimes, quarters and table knives, all of which have width and strength limitations.
We sell them by the dozen because they make excellent gifts, particularly to those whom you want to discourage from using cutlery for household repairs.
These screwdrivers should be in every kitchen knife drawer and pocket.
Guaranteed to be the only screwdriver in the shop that will snugly fit the cap iron screw on a plane.
What else can we say?
Twelve for $8.50.
November 3, 2007 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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I have next to no slot-headed screws in the house. It's nearly all Pozidrive - which just ain't going to work with a bevelled washer.
Wish we had those nice square socketed screws the Canucks are so fond of. They're dead nice. You can actually get them here but it's a critical mass thing.
Posted by: Skipweasel | Nov 3, 2007 7:22:07 PM
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