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January 27, 2008

Juicy Crittoure — 'For the decadent dog'


Launched late last year, Juicy Couture's new canine brand extension is featured at — among other fine emporia — Saks Fifth Avenue.

Jura Koncius reported on the new new thing in a November 8, 2007 Washington Post story, which follows.

    Party Animals, Well Groomed

    A dog's life keeps getting better and better.

    Juicy Couture, the company that launched its brand name with clingy pastel terry track suits favored by Hollywood celebs and teenage wannabes, has introduced a line of canine cosmetics.

    And the president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has penned a book about how to throw parties for your pet.

    We cannot vouch for the superiority of the Juicy line, but the products get extra points for slick packaging and clever names: Juicy Crittoure Pawfum Eau de Parfum, Pawtection Softening Paw Balm and Coif Fur moisturizing conditioner. The collection, priced at $14 to $60, has just arrived at Bloomingdale's.

    "Designer dog care was bound to happen," says Howard Kreitzman, Bloomingdale's vice president of cosmetics and fragrance. "People who have dogs love to spend on them."

    The best-selling item so far: $14 Polished Paws pale pink claw polish.

    Once your dog looks his or her best, it's time to live it up. "Let's Have a Dog Party" (Adams Media, $12.95), by Ingrid E. Newkirk, has tips for pool parties and recipes that feed four wolfhounds or 20 Chihuahuas.

    "Most people say their dog is spoiled, but that is rubbish," Newkirk says. "They usually get the same dollop of boring food each day." She has ideas for doggie bags and canine pancakes.

    We asked her if we should throw a party for our cat.

    "No. Inviting 10 cats to a party would be cat hell."




January 27, 2008 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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Cripes! I use to breed shelties for show as a kid (ok, I think this was more my mom's hobby but the dogs were in my name and I had to do all the dang work!) But even then, the BEST they got was a decent combing and whatever food the delivery guy brought in that week by the truckload.

When I see a pampered dog crying at the table leg, he better hope he is out of foot reach and I wear fifteens. I've punted a few in my day and I'll probably punt a few more. Not the little ones...they kinda crumble under a good kicking...and not the big ones because ya might break your toe (steel toe redwings work well at a dinner party)...but the medium sized ones...like the shelties above...given the right room, you might get five, ten, even fifteen feet out of a good punt.

Me? I like cats...they understand how to get the hell out of the way, yet still be as annoying as hell. No amount of training will teach them anything...they are much smarter than we are and the only thing that is going to be trained is you. I admire a worth opponent.

Posted by: clifyt | Jan 28, 2008 9:02:13 AM

I personally am all in favor of dogs eating the same old SOS day in and day out and remaining refreshingly boring and unspoiled. When I get invited over to dinner by people who feed pancakes and puddings and casseroles and whatnot to their pooch, and the sweet darling angel parks himself right by my chair and whines and paws and pirouettes and squeals and quivers and barks and barks louder and louder and LOUDER until I crack under the relentless tidbit extortion, I become unhappy and uncharacteristically charmless and insane. And the dog wins and I get a reputation for entering into a cruel contest of wills with a poor defenseless rottweiler who only wanted to taste the lobster.

Posted by: Flautist | Jan 28, 2008 1:06:33 AM

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