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January 27, 2008

Scratch Lounge — 'World's best cat scratcher'

From the website:

    Scratch Lounge

    Cats spend 100 times longer on the scratch lounge than on any conventional one-sided scratcher.

    For many years, cats have uncomfortably spent their time on very un-cozy one-sided scratchers.

    Without any opportunity to relax, cats became a moody bunch and, to the dismay of their human friends, are prone to violent outbursts released on the nearest piece of furniture.

    Finally, cats can relax.

    Why won't the grey cat in the video leave the Scratch Lounge?

    Because he's never seen anything like it.

    The Scratch Lounge satisfies a cat's instinctive need to nest.


January 27, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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The cat in the photo on the seller's website is grey, this one isn't... But anyway, if this keeps the cat away from my lovely new couch, it's worth it :D

Posted by: Jen | Jan 28, 2008 11:22:57 AM

The cat in the scratch box doesn't look gray to me -- it looks like a regular old stripedy-legged tabby. A real ornery one, too. Did you hear that growl? It has probably just gone at it hammer and tongs with those other three and won box rights for a week. That household is gonna need three more scratch boxes if anybody's going to get any sleep.

Posted by: Flautist | Jan 28, 2008 12:00:18 AM

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