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February 6, 2008

French-Style Bean Slicer


Très bon.

From the website:

    French-Style Bean Slicer

    The best restaurants serve string beans French style, sliced end to end with the string removed.

    Sliced this way, the beans cook quickly, do not become waterlogged and retain maximum flavor.

    The Australians have come up with a cunning device that you simply push the beans through — the integral blades simultaneously slice the bean and remove the string.

    It has a dishwasher-safe handle, stainless-steel blades and is 5-1/2" long overall.

    It even automatically adjusts for different-sized beans.

    A very efficient tool.


Those Aussis — what will they think of next?

No worries.



February 6, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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