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February 11, 2008

LiveMocha.com — 'Learn languages and practice with native speakers'


The Bellevue, Washington-based company's website carries about 160 hours of lessons that people can use to learn one of six languages (English, Spanish, French, Hindi, German, Mandarin Chinese), with more coming soon.

The focus, however, is on allowing people to teach each other.

"Users can write on the site in a foreign language or upload an audio file of a spoken passage and have others who are native speakers assist them in correcting the submission. Users can also chat via text, audio or video with others who want to give or receive assistance on a language. The site also allows people to create a profile and link to friends on the site," noted the Wall Street Journal on January 28, 2008.

The site, launched in September of last year, has about 130,000 users.

This could be the camel's nose under the tent ahead of something really big.

Or not.

You just never know.

In any event, it's free.

The way we like it.

February 11, 2008 at 02:31 PM | Permalink


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