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March 12, 2008

iPod Electric Guitar — So you want to be a rock 'n roll star


"Just get an electric guitar take some time and learn how to play."

From the website:

    Play-By-Ear iPod® Electric Guitar

    This 3/4-scale six-string electric guitar connects to your iPod or other MP3 player and plays your music from its built-in battery-powered 4" speaker, allowing you to play along untethered to an amplifier.

    The 21-fret guitar has a solid basswood body, maple neck and rosewood fingerboard for optimal tone generation; a truss rod allows you to adjust string action for easier chording.

    It employs precision machine heads and a single-coil pickup and has a volume control knob and standard 1/4" output that allows it to be plugged into a standard amplifier, if desired.

    Includes guitar strap, digital tuner, cables, plectrum, and carrying case.

    Includes one 9-volt battery that provides six hours of operation.

    A headphone jack allows for silent practice.

    36"L x 12"W x 3-1/4"D.


$199.95 (iPod not included).

March 12, 2008 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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Not according to Wikopedia--"So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star" is a rock song written by James McGuinn and Chris Hillman, and first recorded by The Byrds for their 1967 album Younger Than Yesterday."

It would have been possible. He would have been 17 in 1967.But highly unlikely.

Posted by: Tommy | Mar 13, 2008 6:53:26 AM

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