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March 6, 2008
Marvin Gaye's 'A Funky Space Reincarnation' — in Washington, D.C.
joehead Nikolas Schiller just sent me the following email along with a link to the video above, posted yesterday on YouTube.
Wonderful music.
- From: Brian Liu of ToolboxDC
You may have already been to or heard of Eric Hilton of Thievery Corporation’s amazing new Washington, D.C. restaurant/lounge dedicated to Marvin Gaye at 14th/U Street NW, called Marvin.
Eric commissioned ToolboxDC to design and build an installation piece in the form of a large mixed media mural of Marvin Gaye, now prominently displayed as the restaurant's centerpiece.
The piece measures 6 ft by 10 ft — and it's for sale (please contact us directly: [email protected]).
In any case, we shot a T i me l a p s e film [top] documenting our lengthy installation process.
Check it out along with our new blog: toolboxdc.blogspot.com/
In case you want to do some some karaoke, here are the lyrics for "A Funky Space Reincarnation," Marvin Gaye's 1978/9 song featured above.
Thanks, Nikolas.
March 6, 2008 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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Marvin Gaye-"Washington, Washington"-apparently unreleased PSA for D.C., takes 1 & 2: found your site in doing a search on the Marvin Gaye/D.C. PSA---was this ever released to your knowledge, this would have been shortly before Marvin's untimely passing. We are in possession of the above tape (found in an Los Angeles thrift store with a second tape of [reportedly] D.C.'s then mayor whose voice over goes in the instrumental music bed before and after Marvin's vocals; this was Marvin's wonderful tribute to his hometown, a studio recording with a live band. Any info you can provide is more than appreciated. Mark Matlock/Andromeda International Records [email protected]
Posted by: Andromeda International Records | May 6, 2008 3:46:43 PM
Speaking of Marvin Gaye, this is worth checking out: an interesting accompaniment-free version of his classic "I Heard it Through the Grapevine." The tune takes on a different character this way, and shows what truly great pipes he had (with a definite Sam Cooke influence going on).
Posted by: Flautist | Mar 7, 2008 10:49:34 AM
Gaye *ROCKS*.
I picked up his The Very Best Of 2 disc set for a friend a couple weeks ago on Amazon for about a buck (+ $4 shipping).
She has been rocking out to it since then (and this is a former goth / industrial kid turned organic).
Then again, I'm gonna just pull up my Marvin Vs. The Flaming Lips remix right now..."Whats goin' on yeah". Funky in a weird sorta way...do a search for it.
Posted by: clifyt | Mar 6, 2008 1:06:10 PM
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