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March 10, 2008

Kindle NowNow


First I heard of this was in Patricia Marx's article on tech gadgets in the latest (March 10, 2008) New Yorker.

She wrote, "That's why I like Kindle NowNow. Type any question into your device, and within ten minutes, you will have an answer from a human being. In the course of the next day, three or four other researchers will have weighed in, replying to both your Kindle and your e-mail."


Me, I can't promise to get back to you in ten minutes — but I don't cost $399 and I'm not sold out.

Not yet, anyway.

Just don't ask Amazon for customer support.

See, there's another thing I do, no problema.

March 10, 2008 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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