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March 24, 2008
Weight Loss Sunglasses
From the website:
- 「つい食べすぎてしまうんです・・・」ストレスをためずに自然に抑えるブルーレンズ
Hold on a sec....
Okay, from the top.
From a website:
- Shades that help you lose weight
Check out these weight loss blue-shaded sunglasses that make food look dull and boring [top].
The glasses make food appear more blue and according to research, blue is the least appetizing color on the spectrum.
Not sure how effective they are but if you have used a pair let us know.
Me, I like the following explanation, perhaps from the same folks who brought us "All your base are belong to us."
- How it works:
It stimulates the physiological circulation of the human that it is appetite the effect of red approaches the brain among non consciousness, would like to eat generally, that it increases. It is said that the appetite it calms the excitation of the brain above that would like to eat blue color conversely, is held down. Those where the color physiology is applied are these sunglasses. “You drink continuously” if and so on poor even with the person where “it moves”, this because just you apply with easily is, it is easy to continue without being chased in stress, probably will be.
Well, there it is, then.
¥1,890 ($18.75; £9.45; €12.15).
[via LaValle Linn and techchee.com]
March 24, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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how/where can i get one of these???
Posted by: madhav | Nov 17, 2009 3:49:19 PM
Find to sir friendly,
More again approaching non consciousness, easy would stimulate behinding the eyes to increase black and poor existing appetite with foodless brain above excitation. See cancelling glasses said to, is calmed on head with invisible food discovery. Applied with continuous throughout, allows fatless effect circulated. To be the added toward no chase in stress! Probably.
Able with call to infinite,
Employ at Flaut
Posted by: Flautist | Mar 24, 2008 7:05:01 PM
These would have to be welded to my head for it to work. Actually, I don't think that even welded would they do me any good. After all, the final call in food savoring is made by the taste buds, not the eyeballs.
Posted by: milena | Mar 24, 2008 3:43:43 PM
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