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April 19, 2008
Tomma Abts
Her show at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City is up through June 29, 2008.
Winner of the 2006 Turner Prize, the German artist, who lives in London, creates 18-7/8" x 15" — always that precise size — acrylic abstractions.
Her work has acquired cult status abroad but this is her first ever solo exhibition in New York.
The current show comprises 15 paintings made over the past 10 years.
Three of them are pictured above.
April 19, 2008 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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Tomma Abt's winning of the Turner prize is a perfect example of how ridiculous it is to elevate certain art & artists to a level of significance. Her work is so unimpressive it is beyond belief to think that she was chosen over numerous artists to represent a level of great achievement in the world of modern art. I feel great sorrow for anyone caught in that realm for I can only speculate that either there is whole lot of really terrible art being made or some seriously bad decisions are being made at these levels to permit such garbage to be thought of as great art.
Posted by: Raoul | May 25, 2009 10:14:08 PM
cool 1 !!!
Posted by: | Jan 2, 2009 8:22:50 AM
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