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June 18, 2008

Underwater Treadmill


It's what's next.

From the website:

Hydro Physio Lifestyle Underwater Treadmill — 'The Natural Advantage'


Hydro training has advantages for athletes across all levels of fitness.

It has been shown that water-based exercise enables an improvement of strength, muscular and cardiovascular endurance.


Athletes' load on joints and specific muscular points is decreased.

As the future of performance training, this contemporary exercise environment allows the user to train to a high level whilst at the same time minimising body stress.



• Maximum water height of 1.2 metres for maximum bouyancy while exercising the lower body

• Ease of installation within a matter of hours — no preparation required

• High-visibility design for assessing range of motion and gait analysis


• Resistance jets for an increased intensity workout

• 0.9km/h in small increments for added control

• Touchpad interface designed for ease of use


• Adjustable water depth and treadmill speeds

• Easy mobility access into the treadmill

• Simple navigation keypad

• 4 pre-set water heights


From £35,000.

June 18, 2008 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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thanx yemek tarifleri

Posted by: eğlence komedi mizah | Jun 22, 2008 10:20:18 AM

Gee, Joe, now all you need is a waterproof computer and you can become the world's only underwater blogging anesthesiologist.

Posted by: Al Christensen | Jun 18, 2008 12:35:51 PM

All I want to know is if the water is recycled. If shave his bottom guy has been in before me, I want new water. Also, I can imagine that there might be some who'll be tempted to pee whilst they exercise.

Posted by: Milena | Jun 18, 2008 11:08:17 AM

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