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June 7, 2008

World's Most Technical Ear Dryer


Because towels are so last century.

From websites:

    DryEar Ear Dryer

    The rechargeable DryEar Ear Dryer uses completely safe, patented microchip technology in combination with a gentle heater and fan to blow a regulated flow of warm air into the ear canal.

    The moisture inside your ear evaporates in about one minute, leaving the ear canal dry and safe from the effects of moisture.

    Up to 50 uses before recharging is needed.


June 7, 2008 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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Because some people have too much money?

Posted by: Jen | Jun 9, 2008 10:34:47 AM

Teach your dog to drive & let him ride you around while you hang your head out the window. Makes more sense. (Don't trust him with the $75 at the gas station -- he'll just buy bacon and ice cream. Just give him a ten for a gallon.)

Posted by: Flautist | Jun 7, 2008 11:21:37 AM

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