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September 21, 2008

EZ Fill Liquid Level Alarm


Think outside the visually-impaired space.

From the website:

    EZ Fill Liquid Indicator

    A small bright red device that buzzes to indicate a liquid has reached about 1 inch from the top of a container.

    Uses three 1.5 volt LR44 batteries (included).

    2.25"H x 1.25"W x 0.75"D.




September 21, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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Depends on context, Rocketboy.
If you do decide on camouflage, it might be best to avoid d***; ***n looks kind of obscure; *ow* seems to indicate pain, which may not be the intent; d**n could be confusing ("frankly my dear, I don't give a d**n");, etc.

Anyway, g**d **ck with that.

Posted by: Flautist | Sep 22, 2008 1:19:18 PM

I didn't realize that *p was a dirty word. Can we still say down?


Posted by: Rocketboy | Sep 22, 2008 8:01:54 AM

Yes, I was thinking about the finger thing, too.

Which reminds me of that old joke, you know the one? About the waitress in the diner? When she brings a cuppa cawfee to a customer, she has her thumb down in the coffee? The customer expresses his outrage, she explains that she does it because she has arthritis and the heat makes her thumb feel better, he says "well why don't you just stick it *p your a**!" and she says "yeah, I do that when I'm in the kitchen."

Posted by: Flautist | Sep 21, 2008 11:10:06 PM

Or a finger will do for free!

Posted by: Nick | Sep 21, 2008 6:52:29 PM

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