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September 24, 2008

Limited Edition Elvis PEZ Set


From the website:

    Elvis PEZ Set

    For over 50 years PEZ has been the candy treat that's as much fun to play with as it is to eat.

    This set of 3 collectible Elvis dispensers includes a 1958 G.I. Elvis, 1968 Comeback Special Elvis and 1973 Aloha From Hawaii Elvis.

    Includes 3 packs of delicious PEZ candy and a special edition 3-song audio CD of "Hound Dog," "Follow That Dream" and "The Wonder Of You."

    A unique and fun addition to your collection in a keepsake tin.

    Limited edition.




Excuse me, but where was Cola back when I was loving PEZ?

Seems suspiciously like the flavor that never was.

Especially when you consider the packaging (above) says "Caffeine Free" โ€” not exactly a familiar line back in the day, what?

September 24, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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