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September 20, 2008

Marbelous Table — by Tineke Beunders


"Netherlands-based designer Tineke Beunders has created a table that combines the worlds of adults and children.


Whenever you’re feeling like a child and want to do something fun or just need to relax,


simply place the marbles into the grooves on the tabletop.


The grooves run through the whole table and the marbles will roll down [and around] the legs to the feet of the table


where they will collect in a small box


so you won’t have to chase the marbles all over the room (despite what the photos show)."


Made from maple, the table measures 200cm x 90 cm x 76cm.

[via popgive and Milena]

September 20, 2008 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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Probly, the average real-world child (grown or not) who wanted to have some REAL fun would say the hell with the table and just throw a bunch of marbles onto a frequently trod-upon floorspace, then stand back and watch the hi-jinks.

Posted by: Flautist | Sep 20, 2008 12:26:42 PM

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