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September 11, 2008

Why steamship captains studied sailing


"Landsmen are inclined to smile, as at a piece of foolish conservatism as if London bus-drivers were required to serve for seven years as stable boys and grooms, before they were allowed to handle motor-buses. With so much technical knowledge to acquire anyhow, why waste the man's time in learning a useless and outmoded technique as well? The answer is a matter of Virtue, really ... Every common action in the working of a sailing-vessel, all the time, partakes of something of a nature of an emergency." — Richard Hughes, in his 1938 novel, "In Hazard."

Perhaps anesthesiologists-in-training should rotate through sailing for a month or two during residency.

September 11, 2008 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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More than decent DCE. Sometimes, things are better just enjoyed. There's nothing that need be said when something has been well said already.

Posted by: Milena | Sep 12, 2008 7:27:53 AM

An empty comment section beneath a decently deep posting, a properly spelled name and who? :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmp5mpsDnGc&feature=PlayList&p=11BB6C38E2C2F50C&index=0&playnext=1

Just for the thought of it!

Posted by: DefinitelyCreativeEnough | Sep 11, 2008 11:42:20 PM

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