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November 17, 2008

Solar Clock


What goes around comes around... as it were.

Now you can tell time with the sun — just like your Druid ancestors.

From the website:

    Solar Clock

    This handy solar-powered clock [designed by Adrian Allen] is as handsome as it is practical and eco-friendly.

    With a smart and simple solar panel on its front it's a far cry from the days of those dodgy calculators you had to hold under a bright light to use.

    But as well as being functional, this little clock has a clean and unfussy design that lets you stand it up whichever way you want.

    To boot, its solar power means that you'll never be caught in the twilight zone wondering what the time really is after a night-time power cut.

    Supplied with two sets of hands (long & short) to give you the options of freestanding or wall-mounted.




[via Alistair Why]

November 17, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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It must have a good long lasting battery that can get charged under any lighting to last in a dark
no light setting.

Posted by: guest | Nov 17, 2008 6:04:42 PM

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