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December 19, 2008

James Bond's Cane


Let's see, Bond was 33 when Ian Fleming brought him to life in "Casino Royale" in 1953.

Which would make him 88 today.

So you can see that our hero might want to have a little something extra on hand just in case resentful descendants of those archvillains of yore decided to seek revenge.

From websites:

    Retractable Tip Ice Cane

    Push a button and the retractable pointed ice tip extends and sinks into ice, snow, or frosty ground to provide an extra measure of safety on your way to the mailbox or your car.

    Comfortable soft foam grip and traditional round-top handle.

    Adjustable from 30" to 39" in 1" increments.

    Contructed of bronze anodized aluminum.

    Weight capacity 250 lbs.




December 19, 2008 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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