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January 22, 2009

'US Airways to give each flier on ditched jet $5,000'

Above, the headline of Alan Levin's story in yesterday's USA Today about what's being termed the "Miracle on the Hudson" (above and below).

I have no problem with the payments.

I just hope the airline offers Captain Sullenberger more than a bag of peanuts for his part.

January 22, 2009 at 03:10 PM | Permalink


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I think the flock of geese should be located and prosecuted under both criminal and civil suits. It was clearly a negligent act upon their part to be flying in such a well-known and established airport flight path. I expect that the passengers will find a wide-open road to a class action suit against the species, in that their established flocking behavior is anachronistic and dangerous because it encourages too high of a body-per-cubic-meter density for most aircraft turbines. There's no question in my mind that, in an effort to cut flying costs, geese have intentionally overlooked and ignored opportunities to implement alternative flying patterns that would be less dense and much safer for humans.

Posted by: johnjohn | Jan 23, 2009 9:15:02 PM

A mere pittance. Were I USairways, I would have at least thrown in lifetime free travel on the airline. After all, chances are that those traumatized people will not be setting foot inside an airplane for quite a while. If ever again...

Posted by: Miles/ Public Relations specialist | Jan 22, 2009 4:01:30 PM

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