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February 26, 2009

ADHD/ADD-Friendly Website


From Dean Kaltsas comes news of this very busy website.

Plenty just on the home page (top) to keep you occupied:


• Not one, not two, not three but four (4) clocks — three digital (two with 24 hour time, the other am/pm), one analog —  each set to your time zone

• The date in two different formats along with the four clocks

• A main screen which shows a new group of statistics every 20 seconds or so,  with real-time tallying of whatever numbers are being featured

• How many days have passed so far this year, up at the top

• If that's not enough, there's a sidebar that lets you drill down and never come back, along with a feature along the top to calculate everything for the day, week, month or year to date


I got dizzy after noodling around for a few minutes.

Way too much going on for my little brain — but not yours.

No — I didn't mean to imply your brain is little.

Anyone ever tell you you're a bit too sensitive?

February 26, 2009 at 12:06 PM | Permalink


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thanks. i facebooked it.

Posted by: jennie | Feb 27, 2009 10:04:16 PM

hey - we did this before, remember?


Posted by: Russ | Feb 27, 2009 2:15:14 AM

Er, the link is for an SWF file. Which, as it happens, is not actually an SWF file. I took ".swf" off to see the page, which is busy indeed.

Posted by: teqjack | Feb 26, 2009 7:47:21 PM

How well you understand!

Posted by: Jon | Feb 26, 2009 12:47:30 PM

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