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February 20, 2009
joe punk'd
From Tim last evening came the following, in reference to yesterday's post about Britain's first "Safe Text" street.
Oh Joe...
They got you.
Almost a year in arrears, but they got you.
It was a hoax — a simple marketing stunt, only set up for the cameras, and then gone.
Here is the full story from the local paper the day following the event.
Of course the explanation only made the local paper as it didn't have the marketing firm behind it like the original "story" did.
Fooling me is like shooting fish in a barrel because I believe everything until it's clear I shouldn't.
Others take a diametrically opposite approach, believing nothing.
It's always seemed to me that by doing it that way, not only will you not get fooled but you'll also eliminate any chance that something magical will happen.
Perhaps you've heard of the Big Bang.
The rabbit can't jump out of the hat if you never look for it.
February 20, 2009 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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Joe, did you ever know that gullible was not a real word? Honest, look it up.
Posted by: Rocketboy | Feb 20, 2009 5:47:26 PM
Promoted from a mere comment to the front page?
I mean the actual, large as life, content filled, real front page on Book of Joe?
I have arrived.
Posted by: Tim | Feb 20, 2009 12:58:03 PM
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