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February 25, 2009
Subway Maps
It is what it says.
February 25, 2009 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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Cool for travellers and vacationers - not needing to figure out a subway map to find a place that has a subway map...
A while back I noticed something else of great interest to me. Google maps satellite/hybrid versions display bus stops! So now if I want to go somewhere I have not been, I
1 look up my destination
2 Scan around for the bus symbol
3 Find the bus route number
4 optionally go to the transit website to find schedules.
Lots better than the route maps published by transit companies/authorities which actually list maybe one stop in twenty, so even if you can figure out which route to use you don't know where the blinking blue blazes the stop you want is.
Posted by: teqjack | Feb 25, 2009 7:04:35 PM
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