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May 18, 2009

Cockroach Flash Drive


From the website:


A functional 2GB thumb drive is cast into a cockroach made of urethane rubber (which, unlike organic rubber, will last indefinitely).

A green light strobes in the roach's translucent abdomen when the drive is engaged.

The legs and antennae are very flexible but have high tensile strength.

Includes protective cover for the USB connector.

Pre-formatted for both Mac and Windows.




[via 7 Gadgets]

May 18, 2009 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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Well - unless they've invented some new formatting magic while I wasn't looking, then it is *not* "preformatted for both Mac & Windows" , because Mac disks & Windows disks use different formats.

Almost all flash drives come factory-formatted as FAT32 - for Windows.

OS X Macs can read and write to this format - but it's a space-waster for Mac users.

If it's going to be exclusively a Mac Roach, better to simply reformat it using Apple's Disk Utility.

Posted by: Fred | May 19, 2009 9:18:16 PM

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