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June 4, 2009

Snickers Almond


Sometimes it takes a while for me to find stuff out — like the very existence of the Snickers Almond bar which, when I happened on it alongside the checkout line at my local Kroger yesterday, was news to me.

I bought one and had it last night.

Excellent, just excellent.

Eclipses the regular peanut-laden iteration.

As is my wont, I sliced it transversely into about 15 pieces, so I could admire the structure of the inner bar as well as prolong the anticipated gustatory pleasure.

As Yogi Berra remarked, when asked if he liked his pizza sliced into 4 or 8 pieces, "Eight — you get twice as much."

Or something to that effect.


Where was I?

Oh, yeah, Snickers Almond.

Read the Candy Blog review of the Snickers Almond (dated December 28, 2005 — told you I was slow) for a connoisseur's deconstruction of the bar.

They rated it 5/10 but me, I'd give it a 9.

Maybe I need to eat more candy so as to have a better perspective.


June 4, 2009 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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put it in the fridge for a couple hours, then slice it up.
Also, try UK Topic. Same thing with hazelnuts.

Posted by: mikeUK | Jun 19, 2009 7:53:50 AM

Mmm. Good stuff. I was fortunate that when I was living in California, I was also living in the test market for this culinary work of genius. I also recommend the freezer treatment, especially in the summer.

Posted by: Mary Sue | Jun 4, 2009 6:07:48 PM

I am stunned that you -- lover of superior confections caramel, admirer of candy bar architecture, expert on all foods junk, disdainer of Lance, disciplined pleasure-anticipator -- had never enjoyed and had not even discovered the Snickers Almond until now. It's tragic to think of you having gone without, but, better late than never!

If your teeth are up to it, a frozen SnickAl is interesting -- upon taking it immediately out of the freezer, it is possible to chew off (or chip off, actually, with one's teeth) the chocolate coating quite cleanly, leaving the nougaty-caramely-almondy business part almost perfectly intact and squared off. Then, upon letting the remaining bar thaw somewhat, the lack of upstart chocolate vying for attention over the essential chewy goodness gives a quite different taste sensation. Of course, not everyone will take to this. If you love frozen, but want your bar intact, slice it into three-eighths-inch-wide sections with a sharp knife, then freeze. Then, eat.

Posted by: Flautist | Jun 4, 2009 5:42:35 PM

"so I could admire the structure of the inner bar as well as prolong the anticipated gustatory pleasure" Beautifully written!

Posted by: Joe Peach | Jun 4, 2009 4:41:59 PM

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