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July 6, 2009
Cheeseburger in a Can — Finally, a meaningful answer to the question*, 'I can has cheezburger?'
Long story short: A man named Honk ("Horse" is so 19th/20th century) from the Something Awful forums "took the plunge, bought the cheeseburger and documented the experience."
Here is his story.
As I am in Germany I just checked if there is a store carrying these products, and there really is a store having "Trekking Mahlzeiten" [top] just 5 minutes away. So, in my lunchbreak I'll check if they have the canned cheeseburger, buy it and open it (and if they don't have them then I will order one). Then I alone will know the secret of what really is in there.
Boiling the can is how you cook it.
Ready to open.
It tastes...
Very bland,
kind of like
pre-made tomato sauce
and a bitter aftertaste.
The bottom bun is soggy.
I'm not sick and I say I would eat this thing again if it weren't so expensive. And I really must say that this probably is far better when you're many kilometers away from civilization on top of some mountain and you can whip out a cheeseburger with nearly the same quality as a McDonald's cheeseburger while your friend eats dry bread or power bars.
[via Milena]
July 6, 2009 at 09:01 AM | Permalink
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Is this good?! Don't look like veru good!
Posted by: Ingrid Normando | Jul 6, 2009 9:28:00 AM
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