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September 1, 2009

Watt Time Clock


From the website:


Watt Time Clock

Constructed out of high-gloss hard plastic, allowing the digital time display to shine through the bulb's outer wall.

A bright blue LED display illuminates the time and date and an easily accessible snooze button located on top of the bulb's socket end makes it possible for you to get those 5 more minutes you always need.

If the sound is not enough to wake you, you have the option of setting the bulb to illuminate when your alarm goes off.



If it happens, $24.99.

[via LikeCOOL]

September 1, 2009 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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I´d like to buy 40 watt time alarm clock and I need to know how can I do this. Could you help me?

Posted by: Luclene Pacheco | Dec 1, 2009 12:48:19 PM

To quote Photoshop Disasters, "REFLECTIONS DON'T WORK THAT WAY!".

Posted by: Rocketboy | Sep 2, 2009 7:07:31 AM

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