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November 6, 2009
bookofjoe MoneyMaker®™©: this one's for bit.ly, my new best friend
Seeing as I'm using bit.ly many times daily now that my TweetMachine app is going full bore (ha, bet you didn't know about that one, huh? That's cause it's still in alpha in my peabrain), I figured I'd pay them back a bit for the excellent performance of their site.
Here's what they need to do: make it so people can have access — either by automatic feed or by visiting a designated site — to the bit.ly'd URLs of others they might want to follow.
Just now, looking at a list of recent shortened ones (top), I realized that each of them was for one reason or another of interest to me; maybe they'd be of interest to others who might not want to go the Twitter route.
Just a thought.
Worth exactly what you paid for it.
November 6, 2009 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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Posted by: Flautist | Nov 6, 2009 2:42:57 PM
Oh and Joe, thanks for taking away the captcha. I hated that thing. So much smoother the commenting process now.
Posted by: Milena | Nov 6, 2009 10:43:39 AM
I must be a pea brain too. What exactly does this thing do? I read the shorten, share and copy bit but I'm kind of confused...
Posted by: Milena | Nov 6, 2009 10:42:44 AM
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