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November 12, 2009

CalSky — 'The most complete astronomical observation and information online-calculator on the planet'


It's the go-to site for professionals and amateurs alike for all things extraterrestrial.

If it's going to be happening, this is where to find out exactly when and where in the sky to look.

The caption for the photo above: "Libration of the moon. At different times, different surface features near the limb are moved toward the center."

From the website:


• Zoom into weather satellite images, as if the satellite were above your site.

• Have a look at the star chart of your observing site.

• Find and see the maximum phase of any solar eclipse from 1900–2100 from any place on Earth using our interactive eclipse maps.

• You can get your personal daily celestial calendar, selected from thousands of events. Then imports events into Outlook, your PDA or other personal planner software, to be notified before an event takes place.


Free, the way we like it.

November 12, 2009 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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Great Site! Looks like August 21, 2017 is going to be great (solar eclipse) for the USA!

Posted by: Joe Peach | Nov 12, 2009 6:12:27 PM

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