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January 27, 2010

'At two o'clock in the morning, no one is to blame' — Amy Bloom


Tell you what: start a rave review of a new book [above] by Amy Bloom with the sentence up top and you've got me — hook, line and sinker.

Reading the rest of Janet Maslin's January 11, 2010 New York Times review was pretty much perfunctory after that.

Read an excerpt from the book here.

Or you can pony up 99 cents and read "Between Here and Here," one of the 12 stories in the collection.

Even better: go to the book's page on Amazon, where you'll see this:

Screen shot 2010-0uyguyg1-12 at 4.42.11 PM

It works.

Bonus: it's free, the way we like it.

January 27, 2010 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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Again, you're on my bookshelves!!! I just read this a few days ago. I didn't realize when I first started reading it that it was short stories and I was on the third "chapter" (story) and kept waiting to hear about what happened with the characters from the first!
Well written book.

I never got a package from you Joe! I'm starting to think you don't love me. :)

Posted by: kaylen | Jan 30, 2010 8:08:09 PM

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