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February 20, 2010

Real or fake? School days in Colombia

It seems to me every time I post something I marvel over, everyone jumps up and down and points it out as fake, I'm gullible, a fool, etc.

I won't argue.

But I think I finally hit upon a strategy to deflect the opprobrium away from me: I'm gonna say Joe Peach sent it and said it was worth posting.

Which, in the case of the video up top, is true.

Joe's words: "If for real (you never know), this is something for boj (I avoided saying amazing, because I use the word too much)."

That's P-e-a-c-h.

February 20, 2010 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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Perfect example of what's wrong with television these days. It's all so sensationalist. These zip line systems are in place all over Latin America. In Costa Rica, they're called canopy tours and are quite popular with tourists. The video's narrator tells us that there's never been a serious injury with this system, yet chooses to call that fact "unbelievable." The dialog goes on to call the cables "rickety" and the burlap sack "threadbare." The hyper-dramatic music in the background just seals the deal. Silly.

Posted by: Steve | Feb 21, 2010 9:39:53 AM

I'm showing this to my kids. Maybe they do hate going to school in the morning, but hey, maybe now they'll show some gratitude to the "chauffeur".

Posted by: Tamra | Feb 21, 2010 4:27:39 AM

I would have loved if I had to ride that everyday to get to school.

Posted by: tmkvamme | Feb 20, 2010 4:55:19 PM

Way to go Miles! Give 'em hell!!
I'm so glad it's fake - I was worried to death for Daisy, toting her sister Claudia around in that sack.

Oh, what am I doing, wasting my time typing this? It'll never make it out of comment purgatory. My girl cat is on the desk here, I think she should type something -- okay Jane, go crazyos9 jjfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjwaowoe8co i oweeoith4oddkgnl; zdltwrgg;'004 t

I'm gonna let her comment for me from now on. Makes more sense.

Posted by: Flautist | Feb 20, 2010 2:43:53 PM

Fake-o! Fake-o!!!! God you can tell that is soooo photoshopped!!!!!! Those kids? They ain't real. You can tell they're robotic puppets. No bridge? Puh-leese! That's Colombia not some third world country we are talking about. They are swimming in narc money. They can build a gadjillion bridges and made of gold too!!!! And threadbare burlap sack - yea right! You can tell that thing is as sturdy as can be. All fake I'm telling you. You can't bamboozle the likes of me.

JP: Way to go in managing to con JS.


Posted by: Miles the photoshop expert | Feb 20, 2010 2:07:01 PM

There was a National Geographic article on this a few years back. Pretty sure its real mate-

Posted by: Noll Steinweg | Feb 20, 2010 12:59:19 PM

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