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April 9, 2010

Google Dictionary

ZXCdtfr131.19.24 AM

Who knew?

Wrote Rex Hammock, "Google Dictionary uses news search results as usage examples."

Free (surprise!), the way we like it.

Bonus: Audio pronunciation guide right at the top of the definition.

April 9, 2010 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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Unless I'm mistaken, they may still have a few kinks to work out.

In the second web definition: Does tweet mean "to pinch"?

Also, I'm not quite sure that learning from Shaq's usage would help many people to read/speak properly. (I also find it somewhat ironic that he is quoted in a "dictionary" in the same instance he is admitting he can't spell a fellow basketball player's name)

Posted by: EEJ | Apr 9, 2010 12:49:17 PM

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