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July 26, 2010

U.S. Interstate Highway System in the style of H.C. Beck's London Underground Diagram


Created by Cameron Booth, who wrote, "Drawing my cues from the original and best metro diagram, H.C. Beck's wonderful London Underground, I have rendered the Interstate system in a much simpler form. I have made the "major" highways (those divisible by 5) the framework of the map, with the "minor" highways reduced in importance and rendered as thinner grey lines. Even with these highways, a difference in the greys indicates whether they are even-numbered (west-east) or odd-numbered (north-south). Dots on the highways indicate interchanges: large dots where major highways meet other major highways, smaller dots where major meets minor and tiny dots where minor highways begin or end. A full key at the bottom indicates clearly where each highway begins and ends."

As a poster, $28โ€“$39 depending on size.

[via Milena]

July 26, 2010 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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WOW! My little town is on this map along with the big boys!!!

The only reason it made it is because it as at the crossroads of I70 & I79.

Posted by: Joe Peach | Jul 26, 2010 3:28:50 PM

I bought this a few months ago. Absolutely gorgeous in real life.

Posted by: Jo | Jul 26, 2010 1:06:09 PM

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