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August 26, 2010
Indoor Faucet Hose Connector
I won't ask why you need this if you don't ask how I knew you've always wanted one.
I will note that this would be a quick and dirty way to have an outdoor shower even if you have no outdoor hose connection, besides which it would let you have warm water.
From the website:
Converts a household faucet to enable use of any standard garden hose.
Easily attaches to most long neck kitchen and/or utility faucets.
Easy to install — no tools required.
Ideal to fill aquariums, waterbeds or to water patio plants.
August 26, 2010 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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woo-hoo from all apartment dwelling waterbed owners
Posted by: Greg | Aug 30, 2010 4:19:49 AM
I forgot exactly ... but remembered vaguely that when cleaning out a clogged sewer line with a sewer auger, you'd want to run water through the lines afterwards. It's just to help clear stuff out. But I forgot where the water hose comes in. Seems everywhere you have a drain, there's also a water source. But I thought I'd mention it in case it rings a bell for someone. My sink and tub faucets have pressure reducers or whatever you call it, so I'd miss out on the water pressure benefits of an actual garden hose bib. Maybe it's used to fill your fish tank.
Posted by: bubbub | Aug 28, 2010 1:54:20 AM
Me too. No more buckets of warm water to the 8 foot snapset kiddie pool. So many trips....
Posted by: tamra | Aug 26, 2010 11:17:33 PM
YES, I always wanted one, honestly!
My order will be in by tonight!
Posted by: Joe Peach | Aug 26, 2010 4:54:52 PM
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