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August 4, 2010
Krispy Kreme Cellular Mitosis
By Kevin Van Aelst, a series of 6 c-prints, each 16" x 20".
[via Milena]
August 4, 2010 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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Save the prophase for me....
Those without can have the anaphase...
Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | Aug 4, 2010 4:23:04 PM
I'll take two metaphase with chocolate icing, three vanilla interphase with chocolate sprinkles, and 9 big telophases with extra glaze. I hope these don't split in the bag like they did last time - we couldn't figure out who got what.
Posted by: Flautist | Aug 4, 2010 3:55:49 PM
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