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August 19, 2010

Law of Certs

This wonderful addition to the pantheon of short, sweet summaries of how life works was coined by Rex Hammock, grand panjandrum/majordomo of RexBlog, this past Tuesday afternoon, in his thoughtful review of Sharpie's new Liquid Pencil.

Rex wrote, "Since the dawn of time, humans have been seeking a breath mint that tastes like a candy mint and a candy mint that works like a breath mint. Yet, whenever someone comes out with two-, two-, two-mints-in one, the only people who actually believe it are those who sell the product.

"As consumers, we get it. If, for example, we want to purchase a camera that is dual anything, the savvy consumer will know not to expect the best of either. We merely hope the compromise won’t end up with the worst of both. We are consumers, okay, so we understand that the best camera is the one you have with you when the photograph or video-worthy moment presents itself. Accessibility is the feature that trumps all feature compromises when you see the Loch Ness monster....

"So, despite the hype and whatever marketers tell you, it’s never a 'best of both' and most of the time, it’s just 'never' — it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about flying-cars or writing devices that are both 'pen-like' and 'pencil-like.' Lots of promises and predictions, but the best we get are 'roadable planes' and 'erasable pens.'"

August 19, 2010 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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What an honor: I've been "bookofjoed" Thanks. So tell me, what did you think of the Sharpie Liquid Pencil?

Posted by: Rex | Aug 19, 2010 4:14:39 PM

Lifts and separates! Hah!

Posted by: Flautist | Aug 19, 2010 3:37:33 PM

altoids peppermint does it for me

Posted by: rob | Aug 19, 2010 2:05:14 PM

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