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August 25, 2010
Turn any faucet into a drinking fountain
Charlie Sorrel of Wired's Gadget Lab happened on this interesting device, and reviewed it as follows.
The Tapi slides onto any faucet and transforms it into a switchable tap and fountain, all at the squeeze of a rubber nipple. The silicone blob fits over the tap’s tip and lets water through as normal. Give it a squeeze and the flow is cut, which redirects the water out of a hole in the top giving an instant drinking-fountain. In the kitchen it’s good for a quick sip without dirtying a glass. In the bathroom it works well for rinsing the toothpaste suds from your frothing maw.
My mother used to have a primitive version of these tap-accessories on her faucet back when I was a kid, although in that case the fountain-function was caused by cheap rubber slipping off the metal tubes and spraying water all over the kitchen. They also made all water taste of rubber, although you could pretend you were milking a particularly productive cow if you imagined it hard enough.
The Tapi Tap Squeeze Drink Fountain claims to be flavor free. It comes in a double-rainbow of colors, and will offer endless fun as you pinch it and spray suffocating jets of water up the the noses of unsuspecting house guests.
[via Oh Gizmo, Coolest Gadgets, CrunchGear and Laughing Squid]
August 25, 2010 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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There are public health issues here. Cut up a raw chicken or crack an egg and transfer some Salmonella enterica; or, hit the can and make the orofecal route a part of your day....
Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | Aug 26, 2010 1:03:21 PM
i made mine into a key chain fob, now i'm ready no matter where i am.
Posted by: rob | Aug 25, 2010 10:40:01 PM
Thanks for your comment :)
And by the way I really want one of those!
Posted by: Alice | Aug 25, 2010 4:31:02 PM
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