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August 15, 2010
Vertical Lunch Box
From the website:
From books and laptops to cell-phones and digital cameras, the content of any bag is full of “vertical elements.”
So why do conventional lunch boxes (think Tupperware full of spaghetti), when placed flat in a bag have to remain as “horizontal elements”?
Looking to resolve this issue, METAPHYS created Ojue – a lunch box with a minimized base area that can be stacked vertically, allowing it to be placed neatly and freely even within the slimmest of bags.
The lunchbox is comprised of three units that can be stacked or removed like LEGO blocks to accommodate your varying appetite or condition.
Lunchbox dimensions: 6.3" (160 mm) W x 6.3" (160.5 mm) H × 2.16" (55 mm) D.
Matching chopsticks and chopsticks rest included.
"Your varying appetite or condition" — I like that.
Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
But I digress.
Green, Black or White.
[via Shell Meggersee-Briggs]
August 15, 2010 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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