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October 21, 2010

Microwave Mixer — "Stir foods while they microwave for even heating"


If, like me, you find your microwave the most important appliance in the kitchen (not including the refrigerator, of course — you've got to have someplace to store the microwaveables), you'll want to take a close look at this formidable invention.

From the website:


Microwaves don't always cook foods evenly.

This microwave mixer attaches with a suction cup to the oven's ceiling.

While it stays in place, the circular motion of the turntable allows it to stir soups, pasta, sauces, etc. so they heat or cook evenly.

Includes two mixer heads, plus adjustable-height shaft. 

Dishwasher safe plastic.



I find the concept of a fixed stirrer, allowing the default rotation of the base to serve as the mixing engine, wonderfully creative.

Hats off to whomever thought this up.

$19.99 (microwave oven not included).

October 21, 2010 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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