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April 7, 2011

Limited-Edition Campana Brothers Circus Rug


Wrote Elaine Louie in today's New York Times "Currents" feature, "When is a rug a work of art? Maybe when it's priced at more than $35,000.

"The $35,575 hemp rug [above and below], which is six and a half feet in diameter and covered in dolls handmade in Brazil, was introduced a year ago at the furniture fair in Milan. It was produced in an edition of 10, by Nodus, an Italian company.

"But it wasn't until last month, when the company shipped the rugs to Perimeter Art & Design, a gallery in Paris, that the first one sold.

"'It was so new, it took time to be understood,' said Andrea Galimberti, the company’s president. 'At the beginning it is a rug — and now it's an art piece.'

"For the Campana brothers it's... a time capsule. The rug was inspired by childhood memories of growing up in the small Brazilian town of Brotas, said Fernando Campana, where 'we used to play circus in the backyard.'"


"The remaining nine rugs are available at Perimeter Art & Design, in Paris. Information: (33) 15542-0122; perimeter-artanddesign.com."

April 7, 2011 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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