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June 4, 2011
Access Guide for Activists: "Practical Guide to Online and Mobile Security"
It comes in both Arabic and English and is intended to keep activists safe.
Wrote Austin Considine in an April 3, 2011 New York Times story, "Brett Solomon, the executive director of Access, said that the guide was created in part from recognition that people often lose sight of security concerns amid the collective euphoria that can accompany swift, large-scale democratization movements like the ones in Egypt and Tunisia. 'The eye gets focused on the goal and not the process,' he said, 'and during that time, they put their own personal security and their network security at risk.'"
"The Access guide provides tips for keeping communications safer in such a climate. It recommends Gmail, for example, because it uses a secure connection by default, known as HTTPS, like at banking Web sites; Hotmail provides HTTPS as an option, and Facebook began offering it in January. The guide also explains how to disguise browsing histories and how to gain access to banned sites."
Free, the way we like it.
June 4, 2011 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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