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August 20, 2011
China Knuckles
From the website:
China Knuckles are for the girl who wants to be chic and eco-friendly while still conscious of self-defense.
China Knuckles are made from a recycled piece of Blue Willow Ware china. The pattern on your knuckles my vary slightly, but they are all cut from blue and white Willow Ware china.
They are the size of standard brass knuckles: 4-1/4" W x 2-1/4" H.
Can also be made into a necklace (leave a note at checkout).
**Warning: Fragile! Not meant for use in an actual fight. If a fight should break out, the sight of these bad boys should earn you instant respect and a white flag.
[via Fancy]
August 20, 2011 at 09:01 AM | Permalink
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