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August 10, 2011

Japanese Tripod Ladder

Screen Shot 2011-08-09 at 3.34.43 PM

I'd never heard of these until I happened on them accidentally while trolling the web.

From the website:


These aluminium tripod ladders are used all over Japan by gardeners and nurserymen. Our customers include tree surgeons, topiary specialists, head gardeners, orchard owners, hedging contractors and landscapers, as well as countless keen gardeners who all appreciate the stability and practicality of the tripod design.

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The wide base, deep steps and telescopic back leg, as well as clawed feet and flat top make them incredibly safe and easy to use. Rather like in the design of the Eiffel tower, your weight is directed downwards and outwards, pinning the ladder to the ground.

The back leg adjusts quickly and easily up to 2' in 6" stops with a spring-loaded pin, extending 6" and shortening 18" for use on slopes and steps. How flat is your garden?

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Welded, extruded aluminium construction: weatherproof, strong, and very light. Double rungs are easy on the feet, and don’t get muddy or slippery.

We import directly for our Japanese manufacturer, Hasegawa Kogyo in Osaka. Hasegawa have the reputation for making the best quality and safest tripod ladders in use today — their production conforms to JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards.) Ask any gardener in Japan which ladders they use and they all say the same thing: Hasegawa.



Anything that improves stability while using a ladder gets my vote.

Two of my neighbors — men in their 60s — have died in the past ten years after falling from ladders.

One broke his hip and post-operatively developed a fatal pulmonary embolism and the other fractured his skull and died from a subdural hematoma.

Apply within.

August 10, 2011 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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Three legs, more stable than four.


Posted by: Noll Steinweg | Aug 10, 2011 12:02:57 PM

I would be sliding down those side rails

Posted by: marshall | Aug 10, 2011 9:32:28 AM

Clearly this is a conspiracy to deprive ex-basketball players of gainful employment.

On the serious side, many fatal ladder accidents involve contact with power lines. In the US the trend has been toward fiberglass ladders - lighter and non-conductive.

As for falling, I took a 40' roped fall yesterday. Not even a bruise. I'd have to guess that I take at least one 10' fall a week. Here: http://www.rockcityclimbing.com/

Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | Aug 10, 2011 9:17:13 AM

Seemed counter-intuitive at first, but, then somehow, it all made sense. I especially like this part, "Feel free to ring up, or e-mail, to discuss our products. We’re not always in, so please leave a message." So nice.

Posted by: tamra | Aug 10, 2011 9:16:46 AM

These type of ladders are referred to as "orchard ladders" and they (believe it or not) are not exclusively Japanese!

Posted by: Casey | Aug 10, 2011 9:12:21 AM

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