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August 11, 2011

Roadside Chalkboard


Where's the picnic?

From the website:


Yard sign in an instant

Our exclusive, patent-pending Roadside Chalkboard™ is a two-sided multi-purpose powder-coated steel sign that is reusable and will last for years.

Its uses are nearly unlimited — advertise a yard sale, announce a party or other event, use it as a 'for sale' sign, etc.

It can even be utilized as a warning sign, such as 'Beware of the Dog' or 'No Trespassing.'

Simply write your message with ordinary chalk — or use colored chalk to add a festive touch.

Wipe it clean with an eraser, damp sponge or cloth, and it's ready to use again.

Chalkboard is 20-gauge steel, so magnetic letters can also be used.

Measuring about 12"H x 16"W, it mounts securely on the included two-piece pole that's made of solid 3/8" steel rod and has a three-prong step-on base for easy placement in the ground.

The powder-coated sign with baked-on finish stands about 40" high with both pole pieces installed.

For a shorter sign, use just one pole piece and it will stand 23" high.

Assembles and breaks down easily for storage. 




August 11, 2011 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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