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August 11, 2011
"To Philosophize Is to Learn How to Die" — Simon Critchley
There goes your life.
The English philosopher "argues that philosophy commences in disappointment, either religious or political. These two axes may be said largely to inform his published work: religious disappointment raises the question of meaning and has to, as he sees it, deal with the question of nihilism; political disappointment provokes the question of justice and raises the need for a coherent ethics."
Critchley is the head philosopher of the International Necronautical Society, whose website "... says its central tenet is 'inauthenticity' and its purpose... devotion to the study of death, a 'space which we intend to map, colonize and eventually inhabit," wrote Dinitia Smith in her January 29, 2009 review of Critchley's new book
, "The Book of Dead Philosophers."
August 11, 2011 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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