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October 3, 2011

i-Wood — My First Laptop

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From the website:


We assume that a lot of tech stuff is spread around at your home. A couple mobile devices, laptops, iPads, iPhones and the like... right?

OK — and you don't want the little ones to play with your brand new iPad... think: multi-gestures with little hands that just have arisen from the porridge plate... urgh.

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The i-Wood takes its design cues from Mr. [Jonathan] Ive's handiwork, but instead of a trackpad, the i-Wood offers the wee ones a space for their chalk.

24cm x 35cm x 2.5cm.


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[via Fancy]

October 3, 2011 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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Cool idea, but does it have to have an Apple reference in the name? What a sad name for a creative product.

Posted by: Rocketboy | Oct 3, 2011 11:43:32 AM

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