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November 11, 2011

iPad Chef Sleeve


How very timely, following on the Professional Chef iPad app post that just appeared.

Long story short: look at the photo above.

nuf sed.

From the website, for those who find enuf is never enough:



Ultra-clear plastic seals tightly to protect both front and back of iPad.

Touchscreen sensitivity unaffected by sleeve.

Fits iPad and iPad 2.



Pack of 25 sleeves, each reusable multiple times: $19.99.

November 11, 2011 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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Second Marshall's comment, I throw my iPad inside a ziplock freezer bag when cooking. Works perfectly and chances are you already have these lying around. No need to drop $20 for 25 of these sleeves when you're probably paying mere cents per ziplock bag.

Posted by: Josh | Nov 23, 2011 11:22:56 PM

Wow, really cool! I've mentioned this in a post on my blog coolestech.com, looks like Apple is heading towards kitchen products lol :P (I have previously mentioned the kitchen Macbook too ;) )

Posted by: Mostafa | Nov 23, 2011 8:01:47 AM

Also, I have found the 1/2 sandwich sized ziplocks to be perfect for iphones (even with a bulky Speck skin) at the beach, in pouring rain, etc... The only loss of functionality is plugging anything in. A bluetooth stereo headset can get your tunes.

Posted by: marshall | Nov 12, 2011 9:26:36 AM

That guy just LOOKS like a chef, don't he?

Posted by: tamra | Nov 12, 2011 1:12:07 AM

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