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November 5, 2011
Meet the Iceman: Wim Hof ran a half marathon above the Arctic Circle — barefoot
Wim Hof has trained himself to stay warm in extremely cold environments.
He ran a half-marathon above the Arctic Circle in January of 2007 — barefoot and wearing only a pair of shorts and a watchcap — with the ground (snow) temperature 35° below zero.
He has been shown under controlled conditions to be able to regulate his core body temperature voluntarily.
Watch the video and decide for yourself.
November 5, 2011 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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I'll pass on the lack of footwear - but the temperature seems ideal. Heat stroke seems highly unlikely.
Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | Nov 5, 2011 12:10:26 PM
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